I work with a multidisciplinary team of professionals.

Mariana Poblete
Research Executive Assistant
Mariana was granted a Bachelor degree in Linguistics (Universidad de Chile) and has a degree in Education from the same university. She has teaching experience in English and is highly proficient with written and oral English. She is currently getting a master's degree in Linguistics at Universidad de Chile with a CONICYT scholarship. In the team, she has assisted several experiments (recruiting the participants, scheduling and monitoring the sessions, and preparing the data for analyses), and helped summarizing articles and books for academic publications.

Mauricio Barrios
Multimedia and Web Developer
Mauricio is a passionate multimedia designer and PHP web developer. His expertise includes JavaScript and Android mobile applications. He has participated in development services intended for e-learning applications, in companies such as Avanzo Chile, Gal&Leo, and Elogos Chile. In our team, he has programmed an administrative tool and all the visuospatial tests for both desktop and mobile versions. He also develops multimedia instructional materials and helps to collect the experimental data.

Juan Pablo Torres
Content and Multimedia Designer
Juan Pablo graduated as a graphic designer at the Universidad Diego Portales. With experience in different areas of design, marketing, and advertising, he specializes in branding and web development, which has allowed him to work with people from different areas such as health, technology, food, tourism, among others. In the team, he oversees the web page and the design of the multimedia learning materials, and has been assisting the design of the visuospatial tests.

Camila Godoy
Expert in Science Education
Camila is currently finishing a degree in Chemistry and Biology pedagogy. She has been working at the ONG Apis as an educator since 2018. In addition, she has worked as a creator and collaborator of educational content in Lab4U, the company that develops mobile apps for science laboratory experiments. In the team, she is developing the instructional tasks and multimedia about chemistry topics and visuospatial representations.

María Fernanda Zamorano
Expert in Science Education
María Fernanda is currently finishing a degree in Chemistry and Biology pedagogy. She has worked as a creator and collaborator of educational content in Lab4U, the company that develops mobile apps for science laboratory experiments. For the current projects of the team, she is developing the instructional tasks and learning tests about science and chemistry topics.

Ignacio Jarabran
Ignacio is a professional in the fields of applied arts and marketing with more than seven years of experience in different areas of design, marketing and advertising. He is a Bachelor in Design and a Master in Marketing and Communications. For the team, he has been illustrating material for academic conferences and publications, and he oversees the digital marketing of the visuospatial tests.